'Power Hour' Style Finance Consultation


Finance questions swirling around in your head? 


Harriet Formby - Chartered Accountant, Holistic CFO & Business Mentor - is ready to lighten the load!


 How It Works


Share your questions and any extra info upfront, delve into an illuminating  90 minute consultation to explore your queries. Go away with peace of mind, and a plan of action, helpful resources and access to follow up support.

Investment £330 (£275 + VAT)



From confusion to financial peace of mind!


Perhaps you are unsure about tax? Puzzled about pricing? Confused about managing your business finances, paying yourself, or navigating your bank accounts? 

Are you at a pivotal point in your business journey ready to explore the next step with finances? Well, worry no more!

These 'Power Hour 'style finance consultations are designed to address all your concerns and queries head-on.

Say goodbye to confusion and hello to confidence with a clear action plan in hand and a spring in your step.

These sessions are if you are a full-time business owner, side hustler, freelancer, solo-preneur, or start-up founder.

Whether you're starting at day one or already a decade in!

 It's like a power hour, but it;'s more than an hour as you actually have a spacious 90 minutes with me and the chance to follow up with questions after.





‘I’m going away with SO MANY BRILLIANT IDEAS…’


‘Wow I’m ACTUALLY EXCITED about doing this!’


‘Talking to you has TOTALLY PUT MY MIND AT EASE’





Harriet Formby MA ACA





Harriet Formby, founder of Below The Line Finance, offers a unique blend of  savvy financial acumen with holistic, compassionate wisdom.


  • ICAEW Chartered Accountant (> 8 years PQE) 
  • Certified Trauma of Money™ Practitioner 
  • ILM Level 7 Executive Coach/Mentor
  • BA Hons (First Class) and Masters (Distinction) In Business Management & Strategy   

Pairing C-suite level financial expertise with a deeply compassionate understanding of the emotional and psychological side to  money.

Known for her empathy, warmth, and intuitive approach, Harriet helps mission-led businesses who are changing the world for the better.

By helping them soothe their nervous systems reaction to financial topics, to master their money and amplify their impact.

Clients who work closely with Harriet describe her as an 'all-seeing eye'.

Harriet's Libra sun beautifully balances the logical and practical world of financial and strategic world with heart-led deeply intuitive, creative and empowering insights. Delivered in a reassuring, understandable and achievable tone - that spark's motivation and action.

Being a Scorpio Moon, supports Harriet to delve deeply into issues, facilitates the uncovering hidden truths and tenderly hold space for others. 

Connecting the dots with both courage and empathy. To create safety with money and build finances that both feel good and do good!  

With a natural affinity for handling emotive topics with compassion, people typically feel safe to open up and confide in Harriet.

Go forward feeling lighter, inspired and fired up ready to take on the world!



“Harriet has a skill for breaking down the most complicated aspects of Self Employed finances into easy to understand chunks” 


“Everything was well thought out, from having me complete a form before the session so she had a good grasp of my business before we spoke, to a detailed summary of our discussion written down and sent through to shortly after our meeting.

I loved that I could use the session to ask all the niggling questions I've had in the back of my mind for so long about self-employed finances. Nobody in my family or friendship circle is self-employed so I've been guessing my way up until now, but an hour with Harriet has massively increased my confidence.

I appreciated the PDF sent through by Harriet shortly after our meeting summarising everything we spoke about. It meant I didn't have to worry about taking notes or losing anything within our discussion, and it's great to now have a set of clear actions to take forward” 

Sioned, Founder of Mwydro

“I discovered I really enjoyed getting into the numbers!

Having resisted for so long, once I started it's actually been really empowering to understand my business better and given me more confidence!”


 “From my initial reaching out via instagram Harriet was really helpful and communicative. I felt like she made the effort to understand my business sector and the issues I wanted to resolve via emails and a questionnaire. 

I really liked how you got me to think about the business and my rates in a different way to usual and considering everything I do in my business. 

 Harriet also supplied several excel sheets which I am currently getting to grips with but all with the intention of helping me to get my pricing correct so I can ensure growth, security and sustainability in my business” 

Sarah Dowling, Illustrator and Artist


Joyfully enter the next phase in your business journey with financial clarity & good vibes! 🪩



'Power Hour' Style Finance Consultation 


How it works...


Arrange a time & share information

Once you've purchased your power hour you can follow the link to select a time that suits you for our session.

You'll have an opportunity complete the pre-meeting questionnaire and provide Harriet with any additional information, data or files to review ahead of us meeting.


90 Minute Finance Consultation

We meet on Zoom or Google Meet to have our value packed 90 minute Finance Consultation to delve into your questions,  explore your options and find solutions. 


Actions & Resources

Shortly after the session, Harriet will share with you a  summary of the key actions and points from our discussion.

Along with a recording/transcript to refer back to at your leisure and links to any other of Harriet's resources mentioned in the call.


Support & Progress Chat

You'll have time to ask follow up questions, with the option to book in a 30 minute follow up call to help you make progress and integrate your actions in the next 14 days. 


Access To More 

You'll receive a link to enable you to book in further power hours at a special rate and options to explore other was to work with Harriet. Or simply enjoy a one off session.



 “Harriet's approach was brilliant, she really took time with me to help me break everything down and see things from a different perspective”


“Having her expertise, and seeing how everything added up on a spreadsheet was really useful. 

Harriet took her time, to listen to me, and help me break everything down in ways that I hadn't thought about before.

 Not only did Harriet help with my finances, but it also gave me more confidence in my services and offering” 

Rhodd Hughes, PT

 “The session was really varied and covered a lot more than I was expecting!”


It was great to talk through my existing revenue streams, and how to make them work harder, and help me get a better work life balance. 

What was particularly insightful was ....the way that you reframed my existing product / service offerings and how I can create more opportunities from them, as well as simplifying the idea of doing online workshops, which I had been overthinking.

I thought your prompt follow up and detailed notes from our session were really comprehensive and helpful. I really like all the additional support and tools that you offer as well" 

Helen Ridley, Illustrator

Trauma of Money Method 


As a Trauma of Money Certificated Practitioner, Harriet is thrilled to have integrated the groundbreaking approach towards financial well-being into the Thrive & Grow Programme.

The innovative and holistic TOM method acknowledges and respects your personal financial narrative - it's about 'what happened to you'... not 'what's wrong with you' - offering a deeply enriching alternative to traditional capitalist frameworks. 

Designed to empower you by re-envisioning your relationship with money through a lens of healing, liberation and creating a kinder world.

'Power Hour' Style Finance Consultation 



Book Your Finance Advice Consultation


£275 + VAT

  • Complete pre-call questionnaire 
  •  Submit any documents/financials for review 
  •  90 minute consultation with Harriet 
  • Notes/ action plan and session recording sent
  • Follow up call/questions

Apply For Scholarship Spot

Sliding Scale


As part of our commitment to financial inclusivity and empowerment, we are pleased to introduce a 'Pay What You Can' option.

We understand that everyone's financial situation is unique, and we believe that quality financial advice should be accessible, regardless of economic background. 


Finance Consultation 



Terms & Conditions